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  1. LineCowley
    March 9, 2024 @ 12:45 am

    The mind and the body all forms one entity, a human being. This is something that has been recognised by ancient cultures and medicines for centuries, but the Western world tried to separate the two. So it is interesting to see that Western medicine is finally putting the mind and the body back together again. 

    Practising meditation and mindfulness, is something that many Oriental cultures have done since time immemorial, and now it is being embraced by Westerners as well. Having a holistic approach to life, is far better for your mind and body, leading to overall better health and wellbeing.


    • Andrew
      March 10, 2024 @ 9:44 pm


      I sometimes find it hard to maintain the awareness of myself as a combination of mind and body, especially when I’m experiencing pain of some description. Becoming mindful and meditating is a huge help.


  2. Corey
    March 25, 2024 @ 11:42 pm

    This discussion was incredibly insightful. I appreciated the depth and clarity in explaining how the mind and body interact and influence each other. It’s fascinating to see the scientific basis behind practices that integrate both, such as meditation and yoga. Understanding this connection better has motivated me to pay more attention to my own mental and physical health in a more holistic way.


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