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  1. Michel
    June 13, 2024 @ 10:35 am

    Having a healthy relationship with money is key to long-term financial success. If you can pay yourself by saving a certain amount of your salary from the time you start working, you will set yourself up for a great financial future with no worries about retiring. Having that nest egg, especially as you get older is a great peace of mind, and takes the worry out of planning for those inevitable medical bills and other expenses that come with getting older.

    As you pointed out too, getting an emergency fund together is also something we should all have, as you never know what is around the corner, and you don’t want to be caught and have to go into debt.


  2. angelce903
    June 13, 2024 @ 10:44 am

    Yes money is not everything but we can’t live without it. I’ve always been taught that money is a tool that can serve you well or dominate you very badly. Therefore, you’d better be the master of your money by having healthy money habits: good management, investments, savings, and not using it willy nilly!


  3. Lyn
    June 13, 2024 @ 11:45 am

    I think we underestimate the influence our upbringing has on most aspects of our lives. It could be a comment we heard our parents say as a child that has impacted our relationship and beliefs about money without even realising it’s impact. Our mindset is paramount in determining if we achieve or not. I think the first step is to recognise the beliefs we have “inherited” from our parents and question and challenge them, then follow with the subsequent steps outlined here. 


  4. Ashley
    June 13, 2024 @ 2:57 pm

    Thank you for this insightful article on healing our relationship with money. I appreciate the holistic approach you take, acknowledging that financial health is deeply intertwined with our emotions and mindset. The emphasis on mindfulness and gratitude in money management resonated with me, especially the idea of maintaining a gratitude journal for finances. It’s empowering to reframe our financial journeys as unique and personal, rather than a comparison with others. Your practical tips on budgeting and debt management are invaluable. Looking forward to implementing these strategies for a healthier financial life.


  5. Allie
    June 13, 2024 @ 7:57 pm

    Hello! Thanks for the Great read. I think it gave very insightful information on Money Management and how to start healing your financial anxiety and start creating a healthy budget. Money management is not easy to do when you’re so used to spending a certain way. I love your mention of the avalanche method to pay off debt. We have used this method in the past to pay off debt and it worked great for us. 

    -Allie 🙂


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