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  1. Chris Towers
    June 28, 2024 @ 10:22 am

    I found this information very helpful. 

    My older boy has been having trouble with expressing his feelings, and your details and exercises here have given me some great ideas to maybe try out. He is 18 so I guess I should be expecting some challenges at this age!

    I have taken a lot away from this so thank you for that but I also wanted to ask, do you have any ideas for using these techniques with younger kids too?

    Thanks again and I look forward to learning more!


    • Andrew
      July 16, 2024 @ 1:12 am

      Hi Chris, 

      I have included the following link in the resources above. You may be able to adapt some of the prompts for younger children. Perhaps you can add some fun questions to the process as well.

      All the best


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